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Major Success Down Under

At All Energy Australia PADCON and Jurchen presented their products for first time to Australian market.



On the common booth PADCON presented application range of PID Killer product family while Jurchen Technology exhibited revolutionary PEG substructure . In addition visitors could also find products of strategic business partner like First Solar or SMA.

“The idea was to show not only products but parts of a PV system. Visitors could assure themselves of perfect match of PEG substructure and First Solar Series 6 module or how easy installation of PID Killer is in plants with SMA inverters”, explains Thomas Dorsch, Head of Marketing & PID Sales. “Furthermore it was a great luck and huge added value to have representatives of BELECTRIC and Meralli Projects on our booth. Both companies already built utility-scaled projects with products of Jurchen/PADCON and shared their experiences with visitors, adds Markus Vogelhuber, Head of Sales (Jurchen & Padcon).

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