Performance at Solar Asset Management Europe
Customer Information / Kitzingen
A successful appearance at Solar Asset Management Europe in Milan
The detection and effective elimination of PID (potential induced degradation) was one of the key topics within the scope of technical operations management at this years Solar Asset Management Europe in Milan.
As a result, there were many visitors to the PADCON PID Killer stand, which was entirely devoted to the topic of PID and the solutions offered by PADCON.
"The topic of PID takes on unfathomable dimensions and involves all stakeholders of a PV system from the banks and technical operations manager to the actual owner of the system", confirms Thomas Dorsch, Sales & Marketing Manager at PADCON..
"We had discussions with major EPCs, whose banks now demand countermeasures against PID, such as the PADCON Float Controller, as a prerequisite for obtaining financing.
The event , which PADCON supported as a gold sponsor, was once again an excellent platform in order to establish new contacts or develop existing ones in the area of O+M.